[Animated Poster]

Mutek is an electronic music festival and a digital experimentation space that has existed for over 20 years. For this fictitious assignment, I had to create a poster that incorporates a 3D element to announce the festival's arrival in Paris. This poster is designed to be displayed on dynamic screens in public places, as well as to be adapted into a printed poster.

[Design & Creation]

To represent the Mutek festival, I illustrated the connection between humans and machines. This link is depicted through a cyborg-inspired face, designed to have no distinctions in terms of gender, age, etc. All elements on the poster, including the face and text, are created using Blender software.
The poster is in 1920 x 1080 pixel format, and the animation lasts for 3 seconds, designed to be played in a continuous loop.

Affiche print pour le festival Mutek par Lisa Gad'
Expérimentation sur blender pour l'affiche Mutek par Lisa Gad'
Expérimentation sur blender pour l'affiche Mutek par Lisa Gad'
Capture d'écran qui montre à quoi ressemble la construction de l'affiche Mutek dans le logiciel Blender par Lisa Gad'
Croquis de la tête pour le visage qui va sur l'affiche Mutek par Lisa Gad'