photo de la boite de jeu How did you end up par Lisa Gad

[Board Game]

How did you end up is a multiplayer game primarily aimed at young adults. The goal is simple: imagine a story connecting your starting card to the ending card. To create your story, you use story cards, which are illustration cards that allow for free interpretation by the player. To animate the game, it uses a resource system: milk, yarn balls, kibble, fish, and mice. Each player has their own categories of resources, leading to exchanges between players. These resources are crucial as they are needed to purchase story cards and Bonus - Malus cards.

[Design & Creation]

The game is cat-themed, and its design revolves around this. But its cute appearance is deceptive. The game consists of 80 illustration cards, starting situation cards, ending situation cards, and bonus-malus cards. There are also resource tokens. For the game's creation, I was in the illustration group. The illustrations were made on Procreate, then colored in Photoshop. The cards are printed on 180g paper.

scan des recto des cartes de jeu illustrées par Lisa Gad
Imposition des cartes de jeu qui sont dessinées par Lisa Gad
cartes recto et verso du jeu